NCEA - National Certificate of Educational Achievement
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Students choose from a range of NCEA courses covering practical and academic skills which offer credits towards this qualification through both Unit Standards and Achievement Standards. Students’ work is assessed against standards which describe what a student can do.
Achievement Standards:
- Achievement Standards can be assessed by both internal and external assessment. Students can gain Excellence, Merit or Achieved in these standards.
Unit Standards:
- Unit Standard assessment is completely internally assessed. Students gain an Achieved grade for these standards.
NCEA Qualifications:
There are three NCEA qualifications: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
- For a student to be awarded NCEA Level 1 they must achieve 60 Credits. Students also need 10 credits for literacy and 10 credits in numeracy.
- For a student to be awarded NCEA Level 2 they must achieve 60 credits.
- For a student to be awarded NCEA Level 3 they must achieve 60 credits.
Certificate Endorsements:
- Students who attain 50 credits at a particular level with Merit will gain a Merit Endorsement at that level.
- Students who attain 50 credits at a particular level with Excellence will gain an Excellence Endorsement at that level.
Students will gain a course endorsement (at Merit/Excellence) for each individual course (subject) where they achieve:
- 14 credits at Merit or Excellence Level.
- Of which at least 3 externally assessed and 3 internally assessed credits are achieved at the respective Merit or Excellence Level.
- In totally internally assessed subjects, i.e. Religious Education and Physical Education, 14 credits at Merit or Excellence Level will give the student a course endorsement.