Level 2 Child Development and Education

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Vicki Cotton.

Internal Credits:  14-19            External Credits:  Nil

This course is designed to give students more knowledge and understanding of caring for infants, toddlers and young children.  Students will study a range of Level 2 Plunket Unit Standards and gain practical in-class experience. Where possible, students will also visit Jubilee ECE Centre to become familiar with the education needs of young children.  This course is a good base for future tertiary study and employment, particularly for those interested in Early Childhood or Primary Teaching, Health Care, Nursing, Midwifery, Social and Community Services, Babysitting and Nannying.  Some of the areas of study include: child development and learning, basic needs and nutrition, health issues and services, safety practices and the importance of play.


Entry is open to all Year 12 and 13 students with a genuine interest in learning about caring and educating children 0-5 years. 



NB: All courses offered are subject to viable class numbers and staff availability.

Any Credits and Standards listed on courses are only a guideline.